Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Jazzy Tune Preview

Here's a little tune-in-progress that I'm working on. This is not a complete tune by any means--it needs a bridge section for one thing. However, I wanted to get what I did have out here to share. I was partially inspired by recent posts by Chris and Troy of their work, I've also wanted to share things I'm working on for a while now too.

All in all, this is a bit jazzier then I usually tend toward, but I tend to associate jazz with Christmas and well, that’s where my mind was.

More details can be found here.

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Linger said...

Sweet tune, dude. I like the "acoustic" rhythm in particular. (I use quotations, only because I know you're a cheater) ;-)

We're did you get the beats?

Wesly Smith said...

Thanks Chris. I like the rhythm guitar stuff too, but for some reason I buried it a bit in this mix.

The beats are just a loop from the GNX4's built-in MIDI drum machine. The whole thing was recorded using the GNX4 as well.